Del jo al nosaltres: l’assumpció del dolor compartit en la poètica de Vicent Andrés Estellés


  • Irene Mira Universitat d'Alacant


This paper analyses the literary functions of pain in a collection of poems by Vicent Andrés Estellés, which were written between the second half of the 50s and the beginning of the 60s. It is based on the idea that the presence of pain in these works is more than a topic: it is a literary mechanism to point out the aesthetic change in his poetry. In this sense, the objective is to analyze the function of pain in the identity of the poetic voice and his bond with the collective consciousness. Thanks to this analysis, we will explore the representation of the processes of mourning, both social and intimate, and the consequent reformulation of  I-we and inner-outer connections.


