Desig de morir, revolta i subversió: La passió segons Renée Vivien de Maria-Mercè Marçal


  • Irene Zurrón Servera Université Lyon 2 / Universitat de Barcelona / LiCETC, Universitat de les Illes Balears


La passió segons Renée Vivien (1994) is a fulfilled piece of work on the literary trajectory of Maria-Mercè Marçal, that includes –and certainly concludes– almost all the battlefields she has pursuit: the definition of a feminine subjectivity, the genealogical track of a female creativity and the testimony of passion and Sapphic love.

Renée Vivien links all the characters in the novel, she is the element around who they speak to, interact with and use to define themselves. Marçal annihilates the uniformed and allegedly universal subject –mostly masculine– to create a post-modern subject born from the combination of many voices, thus, ambivalent, distorted and fragile as women witness has been. A subject positioned as such in the affirmation of her desire, a desire for the unknown in the real life, a desire for the nothingness, the death, turning into the desire for a space of freedom. This subject defies the boundaries of the otherness, resignifying herself by creating a symbolic feminine imaginary.


